Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Hi Santa!
I hope you and reindeers are fine! 
Earlier I lived outside in the area of ​​city gardens and it was not always safe, you know how hard I is there.
Sometimes cats from our herd disappeared and so far I don't know what happened to them. I was attacked by a dog and when I came to the foundation I had huge and deep wounds that healed for a long time.
Then I realized that sometimes you just have to trust someone.
Volunteers took me home, where there are scratches, sofas, armchairs, beds, rods and a lot of other cool things! Quite differently than in the bushes in which I slept earlier. The babysitter also has such a magical cabinet from which she takes out delicious cans and flavors and they never end. My tummy is full now and it doesn't hurt after eating anymore
I know you have a lot of work, but maybe you could also prepare a package for me?
I am sending hugs for you and reindeers,
Your Bob

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